The banana (muse paradisiaca Linn) is a type of fruit that masasabing pinakakilala in the Philippines and located nationwide. One of the favorites of Filipino. The Philippines also needs five of the largest banana nagluluwas worldwide. It is even called the Ilokano, turdan of bisaya, Latunda of Bikolano and Pangasinense and Saquin a Latondan of Kapampangan.
The banana is often napagkakamalan as a tree but true, this is a large plant-grass (herb). Although it is growing in countries tropikal, it came from South-East Asia.
Has height reaching up to eight meters but usually from three to five meters. The foliage is its malleable, smooth, oblong shape and colored green. The result naman it was colored from green to yellow or red, and may have a length that ranges from 2 ½ to 12 inches.
The result of cheap bananas that Saba is the gathering medicine, through its lumalambot the boil and develop eye.
Get cheap bananas that Saba, grate it finely. Put telang a circular cutout and a small hole in the middle. Paste the boil, allow to dry banana because it will allow itself to crack the boil.
With other
* The young leaves of the banana is used for binding the wound and also used in pampahid headache.
* In naninipis of hair: The sap of trees is ipinapahid the scalp.
* The nilutong of flowers naman banana is used as remedy in diabetes.
* The sap of flowers are used for the period eared.